The "One Thing" Family

Colossians 3:17–21

We have received grace upon grace from our Lord Jesus Christ, and He is our everlasting reservoir that we draw from to give grace in our family relationships. If we were to draw on our own strength in our families, we would be proclaiming self, but it is “Him we proclaim” (Col. 1:28.) We are to be a “one thing” family, and He is the sole foundation on which we build.

Every single word and deed in the ups and downs of our family life is to be done in the name of our Lord Jesus (Col. 3:17.) The wife in her submission, the husband in his love, the children in their obedience, and the parents in their shepherding are to proclaim Jesus in every syllable and action (Col. 3:18–21). Since Christ is full of grace, our families should be full of grace. Since all of life has been redeemed as grace to the Believer, each family member is a grace gift from Him.

Let us give thanks to our Heavenly Father for our family through Jesus (Col. 3:17)! In their pleasant moments, we give thanks—we don’t deserve anything pleasant! In their ugly moments, we still give thanks, being reminded that only Christ can satisfy our souls!

And we must forgive!

Since we have been forgiven much, we can forgive the comparatively little offenses that are committed against us by our family members. We are all sinners in need of grace relating to sinners in need of grace, which melts away bitterness and harshness in our hearts, even when we are stung.

Sting will come because our earthly families are just that: earthly. If we say our families are without sin, we deceive ourselves, and sin hurts. But we are not left without hope and comfort. We look to Christ and remember His everlasting reservoir of grace and love. Often we will need to fight the flesh to look. The flesh will want to get even, but the Spirit says to look to Christ and find balm for the sting.

We cannot do any of this as “lone ranger” Christians. We need Christ and we need His Body for help. We all have blind spots. We all need encouragement. We all need prayer. Family is not off limits. We are easily offended when people speak into our family lives because it is such a reflection of us. In reality, it is a reflection of Christ. Him we proclaim!

Search and know our families, O Lord, try us and lead us in the way everlasting (Ps. 139:23–24)!

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