"Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6
Wednesday nights throughout the school year, we have a wonderful children's Bible ministry called Awana® (it's an acronym for "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed" from 2 Timothy 2:15). Parents are welcome to stay for coffee and visit or free to leave during the program after children are signed in.

Preschool ages 3–5
“Let the little children come unto me!” Jesus said. Cubbies may be young, but they are BIG learners. They are our Leaders in Training! Cubbies® helps point kids to Christ early, and they will begin to know, follow, and love Him for life. Our church encourages 3- to 5-year-olds by helping them develop awareness of God, His Son, and His Word. Preschoolers can hardly wait for their next Cubbies® night, whether it’s the fun puppet shows, a Bible story, the exciting games, or all their Cubbies® friends.
Incoming clubbers should be 3 years old by the start of the club year as well as potty-trained.
Incoming clubbers should be 3 years old by the start of the club year as well as potty-trained.

Kindergarten–2nd Grade
Sparks® ignites the curiosity of early-elementary-age kids to learn about the events of the Bible, which reveal Christ and help build a foundation for knowing, following, and loving Him, which is Calvary’s goal. Handbooks and large-group lessons both take your child on a journey through the entire Bible!
Our Sparks® club is unique from the other two with an individually paced handbook format. The goal is to complete one book per year, but clubbers may work faster or slower according to their time, drive, and abilities.
Our Sparks® club is unique from the other two with an individually paced handbook format. The goal is to complete one book per year, but clubbers may work faster or slower according to their time, drive, and abilities.

T&T (Truth & Training®)
3rd–5th Grades
T&T (Truth and Training®) is for grades 3—5. T&T seeks to encourage children to know, follow, and love Jesus Christ. Each week we open our Bibles and read aloud the Bible passage for the week, making observations and applications, and seeing how the passage leads our hearts to Christ. Games, group scripture memory, and singing with motions all help to make it a great night.
Wednesday Evenings
September 11, 2024 – May 7, 2025
Click below to get our most up-to-date calendar...
Cubbies 6:30–8:00pm
Sparks / T&T 6:30–8:10pm
Our Awana Clubs meet most Wednesday nights throughout the school year, taking time off for holidays. Families are welcome to join any time of year!