Come and See

John 14:10–17

"Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man.... Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what he has done for my soul." 
Psalm 66:5, 16 (ESV)
I love nature! Sitting on our porch, we gaze at the trees, all the garden plants and grass, as well as the myriad of birds (squirrels and gophers) that live, play, and feed in our yard. It is amazing to just stop and watch all the life passing before us, and it reminds us that God, our Creator and Sustainer, has everything under control!

Jesus even points out the sparrows who are here today and gone tomorrow, yet our Father feeds them each day! So, knowing that we are of infinite more value than a simple little sparrow—if our Creator takes care of them—how much more will He take care of us!

Worry is hard to conquer, but if we realize this and trust our Father, anxiety will begin to flee. He has done awesome deeds in creation, but He has done greater things for our soul.

Let’s look to Him for our every need. Trust Him and lean into Him. And He will not let you down! Let’s begin today!

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