We Are Jesus' Friends and He Is Our Friend

John 15:12–17

Our study last Sunday in John 15:12–17 introduced an old theme of “loving one another” along with a newer theme that Jesus calls us His friends.

We saw that this word friend He uses means “an affectionate bond between two people as they journey through life with openness and trust” (Drew Hunter, Made for Friendship).

This definition applies on a human level, as many have experience, but Jesus brings it in as a vital aspect of His relationship with us, the redeemed.

One of my takeaways from this text  was that Him being my Friend turns commandments from “have to” to “want to.” His directions are not burdensome but light when you are walking in friendship, openness, and trust with Him.

He is the Friend who never lets you down . . . ever . . . all the way into eternity!!

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