Pray Without Fear

John 16:23–33

“We must not conceive of prayer as though it were an overcoming of God’s reluctance; when in fact it is a laying hold of His highest willingness.”
—Richard Trench, 1807-1886
All believers have probably experienced the feeling of fear in approaching our Lord in prayer.

Not fear in our usual sense, like the fear of being hurt, but fear of rejection because He is a perfect God in every way, while we are weak and imperfect. What would cause Him to listen or act on my behalf?

This old writer Richard Trench's quote reminds us that our God is not a reluctant God, looking down at our weaknesses, but a loving God (John 16:27: “for the Father loves you”). He understands our weaknesses better than we, and yet He loves us and works in us because of His love, expressed in the finished, gracious work of Jesus, His Son, on the cross.

Jesus died because of our weaknesses and sins. Our Father didn’t even withhold His own Son when we were yet sinners and enemies (Romans 5:8, 10)! The Bible reinforces this again in Romans 8:32 (ESV), “He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?”

So, when you feel that sense of God being reluctant to hear you, remember these verses from our study and stand firmly on them. You’ll sense your Father’s love and acceptance as you also appreciate Jesus’ trip to the cross for your sins, removing the barriers and offenses. What great truths to stand on! Why not begin today!

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