Impending Doom

John 16:5–15

I don’t know who coined that phrase, but we have all felt it from time to time.

And it is a terrible feeling.

If anyone in history should have felt impending doom, it was Jesus, during John 16 and his final hours before His death for the sins of the world. Something very hard was drawing closer and closer!

Yet, in those final hours, amazingly, He was feeling the sorrow of His followers. He had told them He was leaving, and He knew their hearts were full of sorrow. So, instead of focusing on His coming death, He was shepherding His dear followers and helping them to not fall away.

The Helper was coming and would continue all Jesus had done, except now by living within every believer!

In time they’d understand this, but for the time he comforted and strengthened them, “so they would not fall away.”

This is a wonderful revelation of Christ that we all need to grasp: He is our good Shepherd, and Shepherds shepherd—always!

I am helped by this to know, when those sorrowful times come, Jesus knows and has sent help through our Helper. Knowing this, let us ask for Help! Ask, seek, and know, early and often! Let Him carry you through the deep waters of sorrow in this life. Begin today!

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