Our Father

John 17:20–26

His disciples asked Jesus a critical question, “How should we pray?” And His answer began with, “Pray this way, Our Father…” (Matthew 6:9 ESV).

In the most important area of communication in our whole life, conversing with God, Jesus teaches us to call Him Father.

Now, there are plenty of poor father images in our world today, but here our eyes are lifted up to the true Father. He is the perfect one, and all earthly fathers are but shadows of the real One. All the good things you can think of in fathers are perfect in Our heavenly Father. Everything He does towards us—redemption, sustaining, protecting, providing, nurturing—all are done as our loving Father.

Fathers take care of their kids . . . always and in the best ways.

One of our takeaways from our Sunday study is to grasp, approach, and talk to God as our loving Father. This has had a profound effect on my own life, and I know it will help yours as well.

Let’s begin today!

1 Comment

Ryan - September 14th, 2024 at 4:43pm




