Believing, loving, following, and glorifying Christ

John 21:20–23

I was blessed and helped in our study Sunday as we walked through the end of this wonderful Gospel of John. Prominent in these final passages were familiar terms for us at Calvary. Our vision statement is “Know, follow, love Christ.” In John 20:30–31 we’re taught to believe and walk in that belief in Jesus. In John 21:15–17 we’re taught to love Jesus. In Sunday's 21:20–23 we’re taught to follow Jesus. And in John 21:19 we’re taught to glorify (even in death) Jesus. These match up perfectly with our church’s vision!

John covers so many wonder and deep themes, such as Jesus choosing us (15:16, 19) and the relating between the members of the Trinity (ch. 17). Ending this gospel narrative with the simple believe-love-follow-glorify keeps us grounded from simply learning. All truth in the Word is made to change our lives and cause us to grow and mature in Christ, with the fruit of the Spirit being more and more evident.

These ending reminders are a compass for us, not to be satisfied with knowledge but to strive, trusting the Helper, to apply this truth to our daily lives in application.

Our Next Step adult Sunday school class is a wonderful place to work on this! Let me encourage you to look at the questions on the back of our Sunday sermon handouts. These are specifically worded to help. And also, consider the 9 a.m. Next Step class. It is great for this focus, plus a good place to make new friends.

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