Jesus Is Better Than...Money

John 15:26–16:4

The steadfast love of the Lord is better than life, but is it better than money? In the abundance of our worldly goods, sometimes it can seem that we value our money more than our lives: when the markets crash, the suicides soar. None of us lose our lives every day, but all of us lose money in one way or another. If the Spirit will meet us on the day of our death to help us see that Jesus is better than life, will He meet us each day when the washing machine breaks down or the car goes into the shop?

As we looked at our passage in John 15 last Sunday about the Help from the Helper, as we live out our days in a world that hates Jesus and His followers, we feel our roots growing deeper into the love of Christ that is better than any earthly loss. We readily say, “Amen!” But what happens when the mechanic says it will be another $1,000 for the fourth time this year? As inflation continues to rise, and our dollars are spread more and more thin, do we believe that Jesus is better than that $1,000 for the auto repair or the $400 water bill?

Jesus didn’t let me preach a sermon on “Jesus is better than life” without putting it to the test in my own life. The very next day, I found myself moping around as He walked us through a financial trial. I am realizing how much hope we put in our money. We want to see our financial cushion grow, which gives us a sense of security. I balk at an unexpected $1,000 bill, even though I was able to pay it on the spot. The Lord provided, but I thought I was owed something more. If the cushion wasn’t growing, there was a sense that Jesus was letting me down.

If we want to be ready for persecution in the future, perhaps we can practice by asking for help in financial difficulties today. Sure, we readily ask that He provide the money we need and want, but do we ask that He help our hearts remain happy if we lose every penny? Can we say Jesus is better than money? What if He were to lead us to give away our financial cushion to further the Kingdom? What if He were to lead us to give away our financial cushion to learn to trust in Him completely? Would we respond like the rich young ruler (Matt. 19:22)?

We need help!

The Holy Spirit helps. He helps the martyr face the flames, and He helps the weak pastor pay his unexpected car bill. He helps us see that it’s not about the money but the heart. Sometimes He gives and sometimes He takes away, but always blessed be the name of our Lord (Job 1:21)! Money has a grip on all our hearts, and the Spirit helps us loosen that life-sucking obsession and hold fast to Jesus. Help train our hearts, O Lord! Help us see that Jesus is better than money!

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