Unqualified for Service

John 20:19–23

When you are being considered for a job, the last thing you want to hear is “unqualified.” It means you don’t have what it takes to do the job.

In our message Sunday we saw Jesus begin to commission the leaders and workers for advancing His kingdom through the church age. Of course, you’d want people really reliable and skilled, with excellent wisdom. However, the disciples don’t seem to fit the bill very well.

At the trial, Peter denied even knowing Jesus three times. At the crucifixion, they all fled, and at the empty tomb they held back believing because they felt it was a case of a stolen body, not a resurrection.

Yet, after Jesus rose from the dead and was preparing for the ascension, He went to commission these very men who seemed to be unqualified for such a huge undertaking.

Jesus’ unlikely commissioning is understood when He shows them and promises His presence, gives them peace, promises the Helper, and gives them the greatest message of good news ever offered in the history of the world: forgiveness and salvation through faith in Jesus. Understanding that He’d supply all that was needed made them ultimately qualified, because it was through His power and provision, not theirs.

Many of us feel the same way when we think about being spiritual influencers for Christ in our fallen world. If we look to ourselves and our resources, we feel unqualified. But if we look with eyes of faith at all Christ has provided, we can say with Paul, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!” (Philippians 4:13).

Don’t let your limitations hold you from speaking for Jesus and encouraging people towards Christ. Look with eyes of faith at His sure promises and provision, and walk with that confidence.

Let’s begin today!

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