It Felt Like Family

Psalm 150:6

Often, we run across articles critical of the local church. In this day of high-powered online ministries, the church can seem out-of-date. However, feeling like family is something you cannot produce online. This past Sunday (as every Sunday) seemed so much like family as we saw almost the whole church being used through the morning gathering. I noted that our age span for the performances went from 3 years old to 96! The quintet, the choir, the children’s acting and singing, special music all brought blessing to us and pointed us to Jesus, which is the whole goal!

But I also noted that there was much ministry throughout the Commons and auditorium before and after, plus people visited out on the sidewalk and in the parking lot. I was so full of praise by the time we got home!

The Bible tells us that in the church we are blessed to be called brothers and sisters, so God designed our gatherings to be family gatherings. We see this at our gatherings. Our short message was about adding lots of praise to our prayers, and the morning provided us with plenty to be grateful for and to express in praise through prayers to our dear Lord.

If you haven’t yet, take time to write down how the church family blessed and encouraged you Sunday. Now put that into prayer and praise to our Lord!

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